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Privacy policy for www.lammertbies.nl

The privacy of visitors to www.lammertbies.nl is important to me.

At www.lammertbies.nl, I recognize that privacy of your personal information is important. Here is information on what types of personal information I receive and collect when you visit www.lammertbies.nl, and how I safeguard your information. I never sell your personal information to third parties.

Log Files

As with most other websites, I collect and use the data contained in log files. The information in the log files include your IP (internet protocol) address, your ISP (internet service provider, such as AOL), the browser you used to visit the site (such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari), the time you visited my site and which pages you visited throughout my site. These log files are stored for a period of four weeks. After that period, only statistical information remains with information about page, country, browser and OS popularity. All user identifiable information is removed from these statistical data.

Cookies and Web Beacons

I do not use cookies to store personal information on the site myself, but I use third party advertisements on www.lammertbies.nl to support the site. Some of these advertisers may use technology such as cookies and web beacons when they advertise on our site, which will also send these advertisers (such as Google through the Google AdSense program) information including your IP address, your ISP, the browser you used to visit the site, and in some cases, whether you have Flash installed. This is generally used for demographic targeting purposes, showing you ads that best match your geographical location and language preferences.

Cookie Consent Withdrawal

You can chose to disable or selectively turn off cookies used on our site with the link below.

Click here to change or revoke your cookie consent choice.

Lammert Bies

It isn't the people you fire who make your life miserable, it's the people you don't.
  Aug. 2021
   Copyright © 1997-2021 Lammert Bies, All rights reserved